Totally Biased Fan Review: Hotel Texas – The Smith and Western Jury

The band, comprises lead singer Sam Lombardi, guitarist Simon Torcasio, bassist Danny Bonnici and drummer Matt Marasco

Produced by Tommy Detamore

Sam Lombardi stated that ‘this is our version of country, like it or hate it.’ To be honest, this is one of the most ‘country’ albums that I have heard in a long time.

This is the Melbourne band’s debut album. There is a massive alt. Country scene down here in Victoria. It is all quality stuff. Artists come from other states to have their music recorded and produced here and they love playing here.

Having said that, The Smith and Western Jury had this album produced in the USA.

They are from different music backgrounds. Punk background is there again. There are a couple of things in common with Punk and country. Both genres are honest, tell it like it is music and both genres are often ridiculed and underrated. There is even a ‘type’ of country music now called Punktry.

This is pure traditional country with a few nods to iconic country musos.

They sound a bit like The April Family, especially the lead singer, Sam who is a doppelgänger vocally for Kylie Whitney. That’s high praise from me.

Sam had some health problems and coupled with the lockdowns of the pandemic, the album has taken its time to surface.

All of the songs touch on real life experiences. There’s a lot of pain and grief and heartbreak here (like all good country albums) but it is far from a depressing album. There’s a lot of torch and twang here. There’s a lot of toe tapping and air guitar strumming to be done here.

Allan Caswell once entered his album in the alt. Country section at the Golden Guitars, suspecting that alt country sounded more like country than many other sections were sounding like.

Sam makes references to Merle, Marty Robbins, Loretta, Tammy and co as influences in some of the songs. The songs tell stories of her mum, her dad and her grandparents and also there’s a mention of a friend who died too young and another who had to cope with an idiot boyfriend.

A few are about her own situations and how she deals with them.

The album is aptly named, it definitely has more of a Texas sound than a Nashville sound.

The musicianship on this album is very polished and it is well produced.

It is one of those albums that reveals more after each play.

This is one of my surprise albums of the year so far. Bravo!

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