The Single Life – 6th May, 2024

Lots of catching up to do!

Katie Brooke – Can’t fake that

Probably the best song from Katie so far. It doesn’t get much more country than this.

Matt Ward – Come Home Safe

Matt releases another song from his upcoming album. This is a shower song for sure. It has a catchy rhythm and you have to grab a breath as Matt’s phrasing is fast yet still has twang. Very country with a twist. Awesome song.

Raechel Whitchurch – what a time to be alive

A sad song from one of our quiet achievers. She’s constantly growing as a singer and a writer. A stunning song.

Adam Harvey – It’s getting late

One of our greatest country singers releases one of his cheeky songs, based on a neighbour who outstays his welcome. Harvey always mixes it up. You never know whether you are getting a fun song or a deep one. He always nails it.

Tyla Rodrigues- Straight Outlaw

Tyla is firmly dipping her feet into the country music pond here with some outlaw country and superior twang.

Cathy Dobson – Sundowner Drive

Cathy has recorded a new album with Angus Gill and this is our first glimpse at it. It is a bluesy, nostalgic journey with a bit of a 50’s vibe. It also has a Move it on over touch. Good stuff from one of our very best songwriters – well two, actually.

Brooke Schubert – Baby Blue Lies

One of our best country rockers belts out this one for the dance floor.

Fumes and Fireworks Amber Lawrence and Andrew Swift

These two were made to perform together. They even won female and male golden guitars together.

They are about to tour together. This song sets the scene. Good stuff.

Will Day – Find Myself a Dirt Road

One of the most underrated singers in Australia. A powerful vocal performance with a strong song about one of the most iconic country music subjects.

Tammy Moxon – Ready Now

Tammy has one of the most genuine old school country voices in Australia. This is a terrific song, it rolls along a deserted highway.

Pete O’Brien – Black Shirt

Pete is blues Rockin’ it up with this finger picking fusion song. It is a toe tapper.

Felicity Dowd – Give and Take

Felicity gets better every time that I hear her. This is a beauty. She has soul, she is smooth. Awesome stuff.

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