Totally Biased Fan Review: After Hours – Ed Bruce

  1. What’s a Girl Like You Not Doin’ Here
  2. Who Wrote Her Name On The Wall
  3. After Hours
  4. Like You Like Me
  5. Never Thought About You
  6. The Things I Couldn’t See
  7. Good Jelly Jones
  8. The Feel of Bein’ Gone
  9. Mama’s Quilt
  10. Homecoming 1945
  11. Never Did Get Close Enough
  12. They Don’t Play Double Headers Anymore
  13. Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
  14. The Outlaw (Tribute to Waylon Jennings)
  15. Outrun the Wind
  16. Old Timer

This album is a posthumous release, lovingly put together by two of Ed’s songwriting buddies, Mike Morgan and Jeff Elliott.

I am a lover of songwriters, but I mainly recognized Ed as an actor. Of course he is also responsible most famously for writing Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys.

Ironically, his name came up by three radio presenters in the last few weeks (nothing to do with this album, bar Eddie White’s quick mention of it). So I thought that I would do some further investigation.

Morgan says that the recordings are of Ed in his prime. The songwriter can sing! You will recognise a lot of these songs, maybe not as Ed’s originals, but from others singing them.

It is essentially country as it probably should be sung and remembered. Having said that, it is not a one track minded album. These songs vary within traditional boundaries. Funny, sad, bluesy, twangy, down home. The title track, apt and a good example of diversity, is one of the highlights.

I was drawn to a song called Homecoming 1945, wow.

There are some wonderful songs on here, selected from hundreds of possibilities.

His songs charted 41 times, some for artists like Waylon, Willie, Crystal and Tanya to name a few.

This is great Sunday afternoon listening. The lyrics are clever and the music is oh so fine. It is country songwriting at its best.

Sit back, relax and enjoy. I did.

Totally Biased Fan Review: Down Under Girls! Sisters in Country – Aly Cook and Jodi Vaughan EEP

Aly is a Kiwi who has spent a lot of time in Australia, Jodi is an Aussie who has spent a lot of time in New Zealand, so if any two girls can call their album Down Under Girls then they are pretty qualified.

In true ANZAC spirit, these two also have their hearts firmly entrenched in country music.

This EEP (more than 4 tracks, less than 10) represents the more traditional flavour of country music.

Four songs have already charted off this EEP. The songs all embrace the usual country music subjects. They are all originals and have a strong female voice.

You can tell from the songs – even the sad ones – that the girls really enjoyed making this record. There’s a lot of heart in it.

The 8 songs go fast, you no sooner press play and it stops. The songs are easy to listen to and they obviously know each other well because it is a very comfortable collaboration.

All the tracks are solid but I really like Shotgun Love and If that’s the way you want it.

Up until recently, the Aussie was better known in NZ than Australia and Aly was better known in Australia than in NZ. That’s going to change.

A fine duo!

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