Totally Biased Fan Review: Runnin’ Outta Time – Lily Rose EEP

  1. The Goal” (Lily Rose, Paul DiGiovanni, Trannie Anderson, Seth Ennis)
  2. “Back Pew” (Lily Rose, Emily Weisband, Andy Albert, Paul DiGiovanni)
  3. “Parking Lot” (Lily Rose, Lindsay Rimes, John Pierce)
  4. “True North” (Lily Rose, Trannie Anderson, Hillary Lindsey, David Garcia)
  5. “Two Flowers” (Lily Rose, Blake Pendergrass, Paul DiGiovanni)
  6. “Runnin’ Outta Time” (Lily Rose, Lydia Vaughan, Blake Pendergrass, David Garcia)

The gal with two flower names brings us this cool EEP. Lily Rose has a strong voice, sometimes reminiscent of our Kelly Brouhaha.

“ I guess the first time Mama held me / she could see it in my eyes / She named me after two flowers / ’cause I was born to be wild.”

Lily Rose says these are her most honest and accurate songs. She has co-written all of them with others but they are essentially her story or how she feels.

Her name may seem to be the only thing that is dainty (her word) about her but there are meaningful and deep thoughts in her songs.

These are six powerful songs. The lyrics are Lily’s major strong point. Her voice is dynamic but tender. It is an unusual combination but she carries it off well.

Every song is unique yet they have a familiar thread.

I look forward to hearing more from Lily Rose.

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